Next Door Savior

A great book about the life of Jesus Christ. The author, Max Lucado, is able to write in such a wonderful way -it is like he is sitting having a conversation with you. We would highly recommend this book, Next Door Savior: Near Enough to Touch, Strong Enough to Trust

“Jesus was not a godlike man, not a manlike God. He was God-man.”

“If Mary is our measure, God seems less interested in talent and more interested in trust.”

“Next time your life feels ordinary, take your cue from Christ. Pay attention to your work and your world. Jesus’ obedience began in a small town carpenter shop.”

“Heaven will be wonderful, not because the streets are gold, but because our thoughts will be pure.”

“Trust his Word. Just like me in the maze, you need a voice to lead you out.”

“Don’t call Jesus a victim of circumstances. Call him an orchestrator of circumstances! He engineered the action of his enemies to fulfill prophecy.”
Jesus Christ

“The cache of Christianity is Christ. Not money in the bank or a car in the garage or a healthy body or a better self-image. . . . Christ is the reward of Christianity.”
Words of Inspiration

“It has been said that the hands of his disciples are the hands of Christ to the world. As his follower, you can “touch” the people in your world for him.”

“Baptism celebrated your decision to take a seat. . . We are not saved by the act, but the act demonstrates the way we are saved. We are given credit for a perfect life we did not lead – indeed, a life we could never lead.”

“Twenty-nine different prophecies, the youngest of which was five hundred years old, were completed on the day of Christ’s death.”

More Max Lucado Quotes . . . .

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