Find more christian quotes about love. These will remind you how much our Lord loves us all. Here find a collection of quotes about love from christians.
The art of love is God at work through you.
Wilferd A. Peterson, The Art of Living Treasure Chest
God’s love is the most powerful love there is. It is a bond that draws us to God and motivates us to serve Him successfully.
Regina Clarinda, Encounter With Jesus Christ
Those in the circle of Christ had no doubt of his love; those in our circles should have no doubt about ours.
Max Lucado – Just Like Jesus
Love leaves a legacy. How you treated other people, not your wealth or accomplishments, is the most enduring impact you can leave on earth.
Rick Warren – What On Earth Am I Here for?
In a world characterized by loneliness and despair, we can reach out in love to those around us. Or, as St. Francis once said, we can “preach the gospel all the time; if necessary, usewords.”
Phil Callaway, Making Life Rich Without Any Money
We are to enjoy what we have while we have it, but we are never to get to the point where we think we could not love without it.
Joyce Meyers, Be Anxious For Nothing
The more we love, the more love we have to offer. So it is with God’s love for us. It is inexhaustible.
Mary C. Neal, MD, To Heaven and Back
If we claim to love God but don’t love each other our love is nothing and meaningless.
David Alley, 20 Things to Know About Apostles Today
Holding anger and angry thoughts doesn’t allow love to grow in your heart. If you don’t have love in your heart or mind, your actions will not come from a place of compassion or kindness.
Winnie Anderson, Faith From 9 to 5: How to Overcome the Seven Deadly Sins and Live Your Faith at Work
As believers in Christ, we are part of Him-God the Father decided before the foundation of the world that anyone who loved Christ would be loved and accepted by Him.
Joyce Meyers – Knowing GOD Intimately
If we want to be thoroughly hot with zeal, we must go near to the furnace of the Savior’s love.
Lady Powerscourt
Love is worthless unless it acts out, unless it’s expressed in deed and behavior.
Dr. David Jeremiah
Love pays attention. Love listens to the fears and the doubts of others and treats them with respect. Love accepts others the way Jesus accepts you.
Rick Warren
Jesus healed people one at a time because God cares about individual people.
Andy Stanley
Never procrastinate in showing love. Don’t delay. Don’t put it off. Do it now.
Rick Warren
A life of purpose is a life of service, giving to others with total and unconditional love is the key.
Frank Arrigazzi, TIP TOP Spiritual Lessons
God is not keeping score with our bank accounts, our trophies, or what people are saying about us. The only thing that matters is how we spend our love.
Camille Alice, 2010: A Book of Grace-Filled Days
Right after establishing that God must be first, we are reminded that God should be in this position out of love, not out of duty.
Mark J Musser, The Christ-Centered Home
If you have ever deeply loved another person you will bear witness to the fact that love gives us the power to transcend our own limitations and fears for the sake of the beloved.
Tonia Woolever, The Woman God Designed
The first purpose of your life is to be loved by God! Yes, it is important to serve him, obey, and trust him, but your first purpose is to love him.
Rick Warren
Always remember that under the New Covenant God loves us as much as He loves Jesus for we are in Him.
Gloria Coleman, Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation
A true Christian is one that acts the same around everyone and always endeavors to live a life that if filled with compassion and love.
Olivia Benjamin, Billy Graham: Graham, 70 Greatest Life Lessons
Parental love is unconditional, and so is God’s love. No matter what a child of God has done against Him, or feels he or she has done that cannot be forgiven, God still loves that wondering soul.
Dr. David Jeremiah – The Jeremiah Study Bible
When we are in touch with God’s joy and peace in us, then we become whole and holy persons. Like living torches we radiate the light and heat of God’s compassionate love.
Mark Yaconelli
Families are intended to be unified, kind, loving, godly, helpful, selfless, and a witness and reflect of God.
Jenifer Jernigan, from Dive Deeper
The beautiful simplicity of our faith is that it distills down to the exact same bottom line for both the brilliant theologian and the five-year-old child: love God and love each other — period.
Richard Stearns, Unfinished: Believing is Only the Beginning
Attitudes and actions which really show the love of Christ help to overcome resistance to God’s Good News.
Brian Johnston, Healthy Churches – God’s Bible Blueprint For Growth
While God showed his love for the world through the sacrificing of his life as well as through the care that he showed while walking this Earth, that same kind of love should be given to others.
John Franks, Manifesting Love
However, when Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, he isn’t arguing that we shouldn’t love ourselves but that we should instead extend our instincts for self-care to taking care of others.
Randy Alcorn, God’s Promise of Happiness
When you’re connected with Jesus, you have free access to grace, peace, joy, love, hope; the list goes on and on.
Rebecca Bryan, The Carols of Christmas
You can steal things made by man but you cannot steal the real things of God, you can’t steal peace, joy, love, because money cannot buy them.
Jide Adeniba, You Can Have It If You Really Want It
The Godhead is a viable community of relationship and oneness of purpose and destiny within their mutual love of one another.
Gary Goodell, Where Would Jesus Lead?
If you once saw yourself as unlovable, know that you are loved. God loved you so much, He sent his Son so that you would be saved (John 3: 16).
Grant Dean, Practical Step to an Awesome Life through changing your words
Those who love Jesus express that love each time we tangibly help the “least of these,” for when we do it to them, we do it unto Jesus.
Wendell E, Mettey, What God Desires
We may give all of our possessions to the poor and surrender our bodies to be burned and have faith to move mountains and heal disease, calling Him Lord, yet these profit us nothing if love does not rule our hearts.
Ted Dekker, Waking Up: How I Found My Faith By Losing It
Love has a quality that it becomes stronger as the time passed.
Adam Green, Greatest Life Lessons, Observations And Motivational Quotes From T.D. Jakes
God still finds His way to reach out to us. He finds us where we are at. In meeting with Him we find acceptance and unconditional love.
Esther Bautista, The Spiritual HSP: No One’s Perfect
When you are filled with love, and you are busy loving, you have no time to fear.
Michael Caputo, How to Prevent Your Love From becoming Cold
Love, in the words of the Master, is the shining commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Wilferd A. Peterson, The Art of Living Treasure Chest
Love is not talk or theory; it’s action. In fact the Bible says that we cannot be walking in love if we see a brother in need, have what it takes to meet his need, and will not do anything to help him.
Joyce Meyers, the power of simple prayer
One of the best ways to demonstrate God’s love is to listen to people.
Bruce Larsen
Being loving is at the heart of the Christian message, as through loving others, we show our faith.
Estella Eliot, Positively Christian
In Jesus, you are loved and accepted not because of what you do, but because of what Christ has done for you.
Ruth Schwenk
There is nothing you can do that will make God stop loving you. You could try, but you simply can’t do it — because his love for you is based upon his character and not on anything you do or say or feel.
Rick Warren
Does your love to Him ring true? And your life and service, too? Can the world see Jesus in you?
Leila N. Morris
God hates loneliness, and community is God’s answer to loneliness. When we walk alongside other people, we find a community where we learn how to love.
Rick Warren
Learn to commit every situation to God, and trust Him for the outcome. God’s love for you never changes, no matter what problems you face or how unsettled life becomes.
Billy Graham, The Heaven Answer Book
It is not possible to love God and hate your brother.
Russell M. Stendal, The Seventh Trumpet and the Seven Thunders
If you can give each new person you meet a clean slate to live by, and let them show you who they are by what they do, you then are showing a maturity and love for people that extends beyond you to benefit others.
Eric Watterson, I Forgive You
The biblical concept of love says no to acts of selfishness within marital and other human relationships.
R. C. Sproul, Can I Know God’s Will?
We must never take our relationship with God for granted, become complacent, and lose the wonder of His love for us.
Dr. David Jeremiah
Many of the Christians whose love will grow cold will end up loving other things before God.
Michael Caputo, How to Prevent Your Love From becoming Cold
Jesus preached the good news about God’s love for everyone.
Roger Quy, All About Jesus: The Single Story from Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
God’s authority is demonstrated by His love, which He proved by His suffering upon the cruel cross of Calvary.
Shannon Scott, Authority
One of the major ways we love our neighbour as ourselves is by praying for them–by interceding for them.
Michael Caputo, Prayer–According to Jesus Christ
As you begin to love others as you love yourself and strive to do unto others as you would have others do unto you, you will find that you are changing, and that change comes from the heart by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Gaines Johnson, The Bible, Genesis and Geology
In His grace He sends us times when we experience afresh the reality of His love, but in truth His love is constant, never changes and never fails.
Ann Allfrey, Prayer Drive … One Year On
Cherish your family connections. They are one of God’s greatest ways of demonstrating his love and fellowship.
Norman Vincent Peale
God’s love supply is never empty.
Max Lucado – Come Thirsty
Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love.
Max Lucado from A Love Worth Giving
As a Christian, you can enjoy life because your conscience is clear. You can enjoy life because you are secure within God’s love.
Rick Warren
Man, made in the image of God, has a purpose — to be in relationship to God, who is there.
Francis Schaeffer
Love is the joy we get from God when we put His benefit and the benefit of another person before our own.
Regina Clarinda, Encounter With Jesus Christ