Find more christian words of inspiration to fill your heart with thoughts of others about God and life. Be inspired and encouraged by these words of inspiration.
In our Information Age we have become like the old-fashioned Pez candy dispensers continuing to dispense endless packages or portions of information called sermons, hoping that these information transactions produce life, comfort, inspiration, and even discipleship.
– Gary Goodell, Where Would Jesus Lead?
Have you ever wondered why it is that so many writers, composers, artists and other great men and women throughout history have used people, themes and inspiration from the Bible for their work?
– Margaret Weston, How Do I Know I Know God?

What we say snares or captures our souls, either negatively or positively. We want to be capturing our minds and emotions with true words, uplifting words, saying true things, good things, about ourselves as well as others.
– Carolyn Molica, WINGS: A Journey in Faith from the Earthly to the Heavenly
We should be reminding ourselves that no matter how many problems may be facing us, the One Who is with us is greater than all those who oppose us.
– Joyce Meyers, Be Anxious For Nothing
There are no circumstances in your life where God will not stand will not stand with you and help you, no matter what the trouble may be.
– Norman Vincent Peale – Have A Great Day
Remaining focused on the One living inside of us and abiding in His Presence, we are reminded that we can do nothing; it is all Him.
– Chris Gore, A Practical Guide to Walking in Healing Power
To treat the book of Genesis as anything other than the divinely inspired Word of God is to fall into error.
– James Paris, The Bible Brief: A Compact Bible Summary & Bible Study Guidebook
When objectively examined, I failed to see how anyone could conclude the Bible was anything less than what it claimed to be – the divine inspired Word of God.
– Britt Gillette, Coming To Jesus: One Man’s Search for Truth and Life Purpose
Jesus Christ later inspired James to qualify that the prayers that will have a high probability of being answered should relate to true needs and should be altruistic.
– Michael Caputo, Prayer–According to Jesus Christ

To do what God’s Book says, we claim the fact that because God goes with us and helps us and provides us courage, we can do whatever He calls us to do.
– Rev. David Weyrick, Called By God: Responders of Biblical Proportion
God can use our pets to teach us more about Him. Their unconditional love is impressive. When we mess up, they are quick to forgive us. The highlight of their day is the time that we spend with them.
– Denise Lorenz, God for Today
God doesn’t want us to catch the vision of getting. He wants us to catch the vision of giving.
– Robert Morris, The Blessed Life: The Simple Secret of Achieving Guaranteed Financial Results
Jesus wants us to put Him first in our lives, over everything else that draws our attention away from Him. So if you are tired physically and mentally, like I was, stop, and “Be Still” at His feet, and listen to what He has to say to you.
– Brian Steenhoek, Straight From God’s Corner
We cannot do anything successful on our merit, but by His divine grace we can do all things.
– David Yonggi Cho, Prayer That Brings Revival

We know we’re coming full circle with God when we stand at a very similar crossroad where we made such a mess of life before, but this time we take a different road.
– Beth Moore, Believing God
As we live in His presence, we live in His will.
– David Timms, Living the Lord’s Prayer
God created us to be a light unto the world. He created us to be joy and happiness for others.
– Maggie White, 30 Devotions for Women in Business
The biggest reason pride moves us farther away from God, is because it leads us to believe we don’t need Him. That we can do things on our own.
– Winnie Anderson, Faith From 9 to 5: How to Overcome the Seven Deadly Sins and Live Your Faith at Work
However you say it or sing it, the point is the same: God is able to do what you can’t. So give your problem to Jesus. – Max Lucado, Every Day Chance

Words are [powerful] seeds. Once planted… words will bring forth flowers or weeds, health or disease, healing or poison. You carry a great responsibility for their use.
– Dennis and Barbara Rainey, in Building Your Mate’s Self Esteem
It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that his Helper is omnipotent.
– Jeremy Taylor
Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.
– Billy Graham
Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances that we know to be desperate.
– G.K. Chesterton
None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves.
– Charles Spurgeon

Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.
– Albert Schweitzer
You were made by God, the Creator, and He never made anything badly. When He made you, He made you good, very good.
– Norman Vincent Peale – Have a Great Day
We who preach the Word are not there to impress; we are there to communicate the life-giving message of the gospel.
– Thom Rainer
When the world quiets to the sound of your own breathing, we all want the same things: comfort, love, and a peaceful heart.
– Mitch Albom
On tough days, you gotta have heart. Don’t quit, whatever you do. Persevere.
– Charles Swindoll, Come before Winter and . . .
Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.
– Rick Warren – What On Earth Am I Here for?
Persecution, in short, is like the goldsmith’s stamp on real silver and gold – it is one of the marks of a converted man.
– J. C. Ryle
You must therefore live, in the present, as far as possible like you will live in the future.
– N. T. Wright
As a huge dam converts the power of a mighty river to create electricity and put it to work, so you can convert the golden river of God’s goodness into spiritual electricity to help light the world.
– Wilfred A. Peterson, The Art of Living Treasure Chest
In our disappointment with the way things are, in our quest to get ahead, we fail to recognize the wealth in our own backyard. And we end up walking over untold riches every day.
– Phil Callaway, Making Life Rich Without Any Money
If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.
– C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity
Don’t get out of step by focusing on your own personal difficulties and misfortunes. Keep your eyes and thoughts on the Lord so that your spirit will be sensitive to His leading.
– Franklin Graham, Living Beyond the Limits
World events never catch God by surprise. He placed you precisely where you are for a purpose.
– Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby, from Experiencing God Day by Day
You will never go where God is not. You may be transferred, enlisted, commissioned, reassigned, or hospitalized, but – brand this truth on your heart – you can never go where God is not.
– Max Lucado
One hundred years from now, no one will remember how many bestsellers I wrote, or how many pens lined my pocket. But the world may be a better place because I slowed down enough to listen to God’s voice. Because I was important in the eyes of a child. Because I learned to be content with the things I did not have.
– Phil Callaway, Making Life Rich Without Any Money
In our behavior, in the words we write and speak, we can become ambassadors of God’s inspiration. Whenever we strive to lift up others in ways that are good and noble we are serving as radiating centers for God’s inspiration.
– Wilferd A. Peterson, The Art of Living in the World Today
Christ gave up His life so that we could experience a life beyond imagination.
– Mark J. Musser, Searching for More: Finding the Fulfillment You Long For
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