
The subtitle of this book Passages is: “How Reading The Bible in a Year Will Change Everything For You” – it is a great summary of what the book is about. Brian Hardin thoughts are ones that are inspiring and encouraging. From our personal experience, listening to the Daily Audio Bible every day, and reading this book does change your life! We would highly recommend this book no matter where you are on your journey. Read Passages: How Reading the Bible in a Year Will Change Everything for You. Below are quotes from the book.

“It’s easy to hold onto Christ when there’s nothing else to hold onto. It’s more difficult to hang onto faith when things are fine.”

“Why don’t we read the Bible if we believe it is God’s Word and contains the answers to life’s questions?”

“The Bible isn’t a magic book of ancient wisdom; it’s a book about life and about God’s love for you.”

“The Bible is a large book spanning thousands of years of history and events. It’s history, it’s spirituality, it’s human, and yet it transcends humanity to the very essence of who we are and who God is.”

“Jesus came to model life and then to lay down his own so that what was lost at the beginning could be restored and offered freely to all who believe.”
Jesus Christ

“Everything we face in life can be (and is being) used to increase our strength, endurance, and trust in God.”

“The Bible offers us the opportunity to sit with the Lord of heaven and earth, who speaks and creates from nothing!”

“The Bible isn’t devoid of utter humanity and frailty. The heroes and heroines on its pages were all ordinary people who, with God’s help, did extraordinary things.”

“The Bible was meant to be read in good-sized pieces – but more important, the Bible was meant to be read.”
Words of Inspiration

“I know of no more compelling reason to offer the Bible a significant place in our lives and families than this: it is the promise of our future.”

“Hope, peace, guidance, life, maturity. These are but a few of the many benefits and blessings that come as a result of a friendship with the Bible.”

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“The Bible is what has been written about God’s glory, power, and consuming love so that every generation for all time will not forget.”

More Brian Hardin Quotes . . . .