Joy Comes

Joy Comes
“Joy comes as we get our focus off of ourselves and concentrate on helping others.” – Rick Warren, God’s Power To Change Your Life

A Thought
Helping others is a great way to take the focus off yourself.  When we help others without expecting payment in return we will find satisfaction.  You will find a more rewarding joy comes to you when you assist someone else.


A Prayer
Dear Father,
I give thanks for this day and for all your blessings.  Please help me to focus on helping others rather than focusing on my own wants.

As Jesus said in Matthew 22:39, “. . . .You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Let me put His words into practice by offering help and assistance to others.

In Matthew 6:21, Jesus also says, “For your heart will always be where your riches are.” Let my heart be there to help those I am able to help. Show and guide me to live a life like Jesus did.

In Jesus name we pray.

READ:  101 Inspirational Quotes About Life, Happiness, Success, and Motivation