Faith Is Not

Faith Is Not
“Faith is not a wish or a hope and a prayer. Faith is the reality.” – Tom Fay, Saving Your Faith, Your Home, And Your House

A Thought

You can not get faith by wishing for it or by hoping for it. You can not pray for faith. As Tom Fay states it is a reality. You either believe or you don’t believe. You may find yourself reading to find out more, questioning others to find answers, but deep down you really have to decide if you have it or not. You have to make up your own mind.  Our Father gave us a choice so that we can decide for ourselves. But Jesus instructs us in Mark11:22, . . . “Have faith in God.”  

A Prayer

Dear Father,

Thank you for the words of Jesus, for his life, for his sacrifice for us.

As it is stated in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “for we live by faith, not by sight.” I pray for your continued guidance helping me to grow my faith stronger.  Although I can not see you, I can feel your presence in my life.

I pray for my family and friends that do not have the faith. Please open their hearts to your message and your ways. Let me be an example, a light of yours shining in this dark world.

In Jesus name I pray.


READ:  12 Bible Verses about Faith