Day by Day

Day by Day
“If you are climbing over the ragged rocks of adversity, take His hand and let Him lead you through. In the midst of it all, it is His touch which comforts and guides.” – Charles Swindoll

Charles Swindoll’s devotional book, Day by Day is one that you can read year after year. Inspiring and encouragement for each day of the year. The quotes below are taken from his book.

“God’s Book is a veritable storehouse of promises – over seven thousand of them.”

“If God’s people are to be living examples of one thing, that thing ought to be – it must be -compassion.”

“Please, put aside all excuses and ask yourself, “What should I be doing?” Yes, you alone can make a difference. The question is, will you?”

“When we have God in clear focus, His powerful presence eclipses our fear.”

“Even the great apostle Paul worked with his hands to support himself.”

Day by Day (2)
“When you feel as if God is taking things away, maybe He’s just trying to make rook in your life for better things that He wants to give you.” – Charles Swindoll

“We cannot watch the clock and at the same time worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”

“Only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can the designed know and glorify the Designer.”
Quotes about Jesus Christ

. . . to be an imitator of God requires that we come to terms with the value of quietness, slowing down, coming apart from the noise and speed of today’s pace, and broadening our lives with a view of the eternal reach of time.”
Words of Inspiration

“Godly people possess an attitude of willing submission to God’s will and ways.”

“Servanthood starts in the mind. With a simple prayer of three words: ‘Change me, Lord.'”

“Faith, not sight is what works here. Just turn your decisions over to the Lord, and rest in the confidence that He is working out His plan for your life, and He will fix things up with your family.”

READ:  Great Attitudes for Graduates