Christian Books

Here you will find Christian books that we have read. Click on the links and you will find a short review and quotes from each book. In addition to reading the Bible, we would recommend any of the books listed here!

The Best Investment: A Better You by Vinnie Fisher
God’s plan for us all to live to our full potential

Mother Walk By Faith Not By Sight by Lynn R. Davis
facing challenges, a true testimony of how one woman overcame hers!

Passages by Brian Hardin
A great book to help you understand how reading the Bible each day can change your life.

Come Thirsty by Max Lucado
Be inspired!

Day by Day by Charles Swindoll
Readings for each day

To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal
An amazing experience

Next Door Savoir by Max Lucado
about the life of Jesus

Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill
Written many years ago but still has application today

Have A Great Day by Norman Vincent Peale
Inspirational messages for every day

Great Attitudes for Graduates by Charles Swindoll
Great gift for graduates, but also has application for us all!

What On Earth Am I Here For by Rick Warren
What is your purpose? The writings of Rick Warren will help answer that question

Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado
one of our favorites!

Deep isn’t a level of learning about Jesus,
deep is a level of serving for Jesus.”

Pastor Tim Guptill

READ:  5 Important Reasons to Read the Psalms